By Nicole Fava

We’ve reached the time of year where our horses are constantly looking like messes. Or perhaps, your horse prefers to get dirty year-round, and this time of year feels no different! If you refer to grooming as the process of transferring dirt from your horse to yourself, chances are you dread the process. Here are some tips that will help your horse stay clean and make grooming a breeze!

horse grooming tips

1. Use Rain Sheets, Stable Sheets, or Fly Sheets

If your horse is living outdoors and the weather permits, you can always use a rain sheet to keep mud off their coat. A horse that lives indoors might benefit from a simple stable sheet. And, during the summer months, a fly sheet will not only keep bugs away, but can keep dust off your horse’s coat as well.

2. Use “Sleazies”

A “sleazy” is a stretchy hood, sheet, or combination of the two. They are thinner and tend to breathe well, so they can be used in most dry and indoor conditions. Sleazies are a phenomenal choice to keep your horse sparkling clean prior to a show, and can also help to keep mane braids and bands intact.

3. Bath Time!

This may seem like an obvious way to keep your horse sparkling clean and easy to groom in the days that follow . . . but it has to be done right! After a bath, keep your horse tied or walk them to ensure that they are fully dry before putting them back into their stall or pasture. A horse that is not fully dry is more likely to roll and ruin all of your hard work! Plus, dirt will stick to their wet coat and it will be tough to get out.

If you are bathing your horse for a show, ensure that they are fully dry and put a sheet on them before they are turned loose.

4. Clip Your Horse

Body clipping is a great way to keep a horse’s coat clean. You may notice that a clipped horse is very easy to brush, as their coat does not withhold dirt and sweat. You should only clip your horse if you can commit to blanketing them when the weather gets cold.

5. Braid Manes and Tails

Manes and tails can get tangled easily, making them hard to manage. Braiding one or both will keep hair from breaking and will also drastically cut down your grooming time. After braiding a tail, you can always follow up with a tail bag to keep it extra clean.

6. Clean Your Stall Frequently

If you have shavings or straw in your stall or paddock, it is important to frequently clean out urine and manure. For many horses, this bathroom space will double as a sleeping space, and a horse that sleeps in their mess is no fun to clean up! Most horses will lay in their shavings at night, so I highly recommend cleaning your stall as late in the evening as possible.

At the barn, dirt is unavoidable and is a part of the equine experience. But nonetheless, the above tips are bound to cut down your grooming time and make it a more painless process. You’ll stay clean, your horse will look great, and you’ll make it to your riding lesson on time!