Hey guys, it’s Krista with SaddleBox and for today’s video I’m going to show you a hack I learned for pawing by using just a horseshoe.

So it’s important to note that pawing is usually a symptom of anxiety, so this is just a temporary fix, this is not a complete solution to pawing. But basically what you’re going to need is a horseshoe, one that fits your horse’s pastern, and all you’re going to do is take it on the foot that they’re pawing with, and if they’re pawing with both feet, use two.

A Cool Trick to Stop Your Horse from "Pawing"

You’re going to take it and just put it right here, like so, and then it may take them a little bit to figure out, but all it does is make it uncomfortable for them to paw.

So you want the shoe to be this part facing this one – this is the front of the hoof, you want this to face right here, and then you just leave it on.

So this is after she pawed for a little bit and then realized she has a horseshoe on her foot and now she’s standing really nice, no pawing.

Alright y’all, that’s it for this one. I hope you enjoyed it and I’ll see you in the next video. Bye guys!