Hey y’all, it’s Krista with SaddleBox and for today’s video, I’m going to be showing you a hack for horses with soft feet.

So I know there’s a lot of products out there on the market for horses who have dry feet, but there’s not a whole lot for horses with soft feet. So maybe your farrier has kind of noticed that your horse’s feet crack off really easily and maybe it’s causing cracks at their midline or they’re just not staying together really well. So this is a really, really simple hack that you can use.

What you’re going to do is put Listerine on there, and it has to be the one with alcohol. So alcohol is the actual agent that’s going to help dry the hoof out. If you get the one without alcohol, you’re basically not drying the hoof out. Yeah, so get the one with alcohol, and what you’re going to do is take this and fill up an empty spray bottle with it. This one is just an old fly spray bottle and I have tape marked over it so I know that it’s Listerine and it’s not fly spray. And basically you’re just going to pick up the hoof and spray this on there.

A Simple Hack for Horses with Soft Feet

So before you just go spraying Listerine on your horse’s hoof, I would consult with your farrier to make sure you guys are seeing the same thing, that your horse’s feet are cracking off too easily and you need something to help dry them out.

So before you go spraying your horse’s hoof with Listerine, you’re going to want to make sure it’s completely clean, so I’m just going to clean off her hoof really quick, make sure that everything is nice and cleaned out here. Okay, so now that I have my clean hoof, I can go ahead and get my Listerine ready right here, and what I’m going to do is spray the sole mainly, because this is the part that gets the most soft on her feet specifically.

And then I’m going to let that dry for a second before I put it down. And a little goes a long way with this stuff. You can also put the Listerine on the outside of the hoof as well, so that pretty much speaks for itself, but you’re just going to go around the band, just like that.

Alright guys, that’s it for this video. I hope you enjoyed it and I’ll see you in the next one. Bye y’all!