Can horses eat eggs? You can’t put all your eggs in one basket, but a few won’t hurt. That’s the consensus of horse owners who are becoming more and more interested in feeding eggs to their horses. What started out as food for race horses has become the occasional treat for everyday horses.

can horses eat eggs

No, eggs aren’t really bad for them. Equine experts tend to agree that mixing in eggs with feed isn’t a big issue, as long as the horse doesn’t mind. We all know eggs are a great source of protein which have an ideal balance of amino acids, minerals and vitamins. We also know that the yolk is the primary source of food for developing chicks.

Eggs remain fairly common in the diets of racehorses, especially overseas, who typically give them raw. Irish and English, in particular, have been known to use them regularly. Some say that boiling reduces the risk of salmonella. Others insist the shells are a solid calcium supplement. If eaten raw, owners tend to like giving them immediately.

There’s other spin-off benefits of eggs. Some owners maintain that eggs – mixed in with feed and alfalfa pellets – results in the shiniest, softest hair you’ll ever see. Some also say they produce amazingly healthy hooves that grow fast and strong.

On the other hand, some owners insist that eggs should never be given to horses, because they’re herbivores – animals that eat grasses and plants. They’ll say that eggs can cause them to be sick. However, wild horses are known to raid the nests of birds in the wild, and some domestic horses will go for them if found.

As long as horses don’t mind eggs and you have plenty around – perhaps you live on a farm – then you can always give eggs a try. As with everything, it’s always a good idea to discuss things with your local vet first.

Are Eggs Bad for Horses?