Hey everybody, it’s Krista with SaddleBox, and for today’s video we’re going to be talking about therapeutic leg wraps.

So you can get these in a variety of different places on your horse, like these are just for the legs that go from here to here, all the way to the knee, and then they’ve got knee wraps, they’ve got blankets, they’ve got hock wraps, all kinds of stuff. I just have front and back leg wraps.

Basically what these do is they just relax the horse’s ligaments, tendons, and muscles. So I really, really love these for long trailer rides or if my horse is just going to be standing still for a while, like in the stall, because sometimes their back legs can get kind of stopped up from not really moving around. So these can really help with that.

Also they’re good if your horse has an injury and you’re doing the whole rehab process, you can throw these on, and these will help with the other things you’re doing, so they’re good for that as well. And yeah, so let’s see how we put them on.

How to Apply Therapeutic Legwraps

So, basically to put these on, you put them on like any other sport boot. You find the little hole for the heel, and you always want to wrap towards the tail, so you’re always pulling everything towards the back.

So I’m going to go ahead and pull that, and then this comes around and supports the pastern like so. And when you first get these, I think you’re only supposed to leave them on for three hours at a time and then you kind of build up the tolerance. And it’s really important during these summer months to not leave them on for too long because it can get hot in there.

But one thing I’ll do is sometimes I’ll pop them in the fridge and then they get kind of cold, and then they’re kind of cooling and doing their therapeutic work as well.

Okay y’all, that’s it for this one, I hope you enjoyed it, and I’ll see you in the next episode. Bye guys.