Believe it or not, horses need their hooves trimmed similarly to how we need our toenails clipped. Their hooves are constantly growing, and play an important role in weight distribution and proper blood circulation. Without regular foot maintenance, your horse is at risk of developing a number of issues that could lead to permanent damage. But don’t fear, we’re here with a handy guide to know when to call your farrier to trim your horse’s hooves. Check it out below!

How to know when it's time to trim your horse's feet

How Often Do Horses Need Their Feet Trimmed?

Much like shoes, there’s no one-size-fits-all for the frequency at which horses need their hooves trimmed. You’ll have to pay attention to factors like the season, terrain, whether your horse is barefoot or in shoes, and the weather to configure a trimming schedule that works best for your horse’s lifestyle.

In The Winter

During the colder months, you don’t have to trim as often. Horses hooves actually grow slower in the winter, which is why you can ease up on the trimming frequency during these months. From October through April, you can trim your horse’s hooves every 6-10 weeks to maintain proper length.

In The Summer

The warmer weather encourages quicker hoof growth, which means you’ll have to trim more frequently. This is because horses often work more in the summer, which causes more wear on their feet. Fly stomping also becomes more common in the summer, which causes wear to the hooves. We recommend trimming every 4-6 weeks in the summer months.

Barefoot vs horseshoes in horse hoof trimming

Barefoot vs. Horseshoes

If you aren’t sure whether horseshoes are a good fit for your horse, consult with a farrier! Active horses benefit the most from horseshoes because they offer a layer of protection to their hooves. Trail rides, competitions, and everyday work in the pasture can cause cracking and bruising. Horseshoes act as a barrier from harm, but they also restrict the natural growth of a horse’s hooves. Horseshoes limit the hooves from expanding outward, which leads to more of their weight being supported on the sides of their feet. This means you’ll need to have their hooves trimmed more frequently than a barefoot horse.

It is recommended to trim hooves with shoes every 4-6 weeks to avoid lameness. A barefoot horse with healthy hooves can go 6-10 weeks in between farrier visits.

Signs it's time for your horse to have its feet trimmed

Signs It’s Time For A Trim

You can’t rely on the recommended time frames alone for adequate trimming. Every horse is different, and some may require more trimming sessions than others. It is best practice to inspect your horse’s feet daily in order to notice any changes that may signify the need for a trim. One way to check the length is by picking up the foot and observing the shape of the toe (the front part of the hoof). The toe will be more circular at an acceptable length, but it will appear more oval at a longer length.

Another way to inspect your horse’s feet is by paying attention to the angle of the coronet. Also known as the coronary band, this is the area on the horse where the hairline meets the hoof capsule. If you can draw a straight line from the coronet to the horse’s elbow, the hoof is at a good length. If the straight line hits lower on the leg, the hoof may be too long.

Trim your horse's hooves depending on these conditions

We hope this guide helps you maintain your horse’s hooves even easier than before! Always remember to call a farrier for help if you aren’t sure what condition your horse’s feet are in, or aren’t sure if they need trimmed. Whether you own a horse or know someone who does, our goal is to share this helpful information to anyone in a position to save a horse’s feet from irreversible damage!