Hey guys, it’s Krista with SaddleBox, and for today’s video I’m going to show you a way to pick up your horse’s feet that’s not going to injure or hurt your back.

So this is something my farrier actually taught me. Obviously a farrier is lifting up big horse legs every day and working on horse hooves, and so they’re always bent over and using their backs and lower body.

How to Safely Pick Up Your Horse's Feet

So basically, when you are working out or just in general lifting anything, you want the majority of the pressure to be on your legs and not your lower back, so the same thing goes for lifting up a hoof. So instead of bending over and keeping my legs straight and then grabbing a hoof like this, I’m going to bend my knees and really engage my thighs here and grab it like this.

And that way, the bulk of the weight and everything that I am using to pick up this hoof here is going on my knees and legs and not so much my lower back. So I can be a little more upright when picking up a hoof instead of bent over like this, putting all the strain on my back.

Alright guys, that’s it for this one. I hope you enjoyed it and I’ll see you in the next video. Bye y’all.