Hey everybody, it’s Krista with SaddleBox, and for today’s video, let’s talk about what you will need in order to travel with your horse.

Okay, so maybe you are traveling down the road just for a couple hours and you’re coming home after, or you’re traveling for a long distance and you’re staying for a while. Here are a couple of things that you’re going to need for your horse on that trip.

The first thing I would say to bring is obviously hay. You want your horse constantly eating, you don’t want them to form ulcers or anything, so hay is very important to always have in front of them, especially when they’re in the trailer or you bring them out of the trailer, always have a hay bag in front of them with their normal hay. Whatever is in your routine, always have that in front of them.

The next thing that’s important is a water bucket and just buckets for your grain. It’s really important to just keep their routine up as you’re on the road. I would say if you’re going to forget one thing, to forget grain and bring hay.

That’s not ideal, but hay is a little bit more important than grain on the road because hay is something that can always buffer the acid in their system. But again, you always want to keep the routine going, so make sure you bring your grain. And always, always, always bring a first aid kit for your horse.

How to Travel with Your Horse

Another important thing is to bring your tack. So whatever you’re going to be doing there, if you’re competing or showing, make sure you have all your tack, all your grooming supplies and extra because you never know. You may just forget something or think you’re over-packing, but you actually need it when you get there.

It’s always a good idea to bring extra of the things you’ll need, so an extra hay bag, extra buckets, extra halters, maybe some extra grain and extra hay in case you get stuck somewhere and you need to stay over the night again.

You’re going to want to bring things for your trailer and not just for your horse so that if you get a flat tire, you have everything you need to fix it, and for your truck as well. That applies to both of those. So always, always remember that because flat tires will happen at the most inconvenient times.

One more really important thing that I like to always bring with me on the road is electrolytes. So I will usually bring a syringe and I’ll give that to them as needed because a lot of horses don’t always like to drink on the road, so a syringe of electrolytes is really, really helpful.

I will bring omeprazole as well, that is an acid blocker essentially, and banamine, just general medicine that you always have here, bring it on the road, because again, when you are traveling, that’s when things seem to go wrong most of the time with horses. They’re accident-prone in general, so bringing them to a new place just kind of amplifies all of that. So always bring all of the medical stuff that you have at home, that you have on hand, with you on the road.

Alright you guys, that’s it for this one, I hope you enjoyed it and I’ll see you in the next video. Safe travels.