Hey y’all, it’s Krista with SaddleBox and for today’s video I’m going to be showing you my three favorite tools to help de-shed your horse.

Okay, so the first tool I have here is just your standard de-shedder and it gets the mud off of your horse really well. It’s just a metal tool with teeth right here on the end of it, so it’s probably one of my favorites and I use this just about every day. With this one, you want to do small strokes and build up the hair like so, and here is your pay-off.

I like starting off on top here, and if there’s a muddy spot like she has a little bit of mud right here, it’s also extremely good for that. You just kind of go over it like that and it all falls down.

Three Favorite Tools to De-Shed Your Horse

So the next tool we have is your standard grooming mitt. This one I actually like to use along with the metal one with teeth because if you kind of can loosen up the hair with this and then use the metal comb, it works really, really well. So with this one, instead of doing this with the metal comb, I like to just go in circles, do big circles.

This is also really, really great for giving your horse a bath. Just like so, and then you can kind of see all of the hair it has picked up right there. And so at this point I would go in with my metal comb and get all of that out.

Okay, so the last tool that I like to use is one that some of you may have already and may not know it can be used for shedding, but it is a farrier rasp. So mine is quite rusty, but basically what you’re going to do is most of them have little indentations right here, so you kind of take it at a straight angle and brush in small strokes like that, and it works really, really well, as you can see how much hair it’s bringing up, just like that.

Alright guys, that’s it for this one. I hope you enjoyed it and I’ll see you in the next video. Bye y’all!