Hey y’all, it’s Krista with SaddleBox and in today’s video, I’m going to show you how to prevent snow from building up in your horse’s hoof.

So this is actually something that’s really quite simple to do, and it’s really important, especially for the tender-footed horses, because when snow builds up into a ball in your horse’s hoof, it can really cause them to get sore. It’s basically like having a big rock always hitting your foot every time you step.

So it’s really important if you’re going to ride in the snow, or if your horse is just going to live in the snow, to make sure your horse’s feet are really cleaned out and that the snow will not ball up. So all you need for this is a cooking spray or some kind of oil, I just have this one I found in my pantry, and a hoof pick, and you should be good to go.

Tricks to Keep Snow Off a Horse's Hooves

So, first things first, you want to make sure the foot is ice-free. You can see there’s quite a bit of ice in her foot here, so I’m going to really try to get all of that out as best I can. Okay, then I’m going to take a rag and just kind of dry it out, get it as dry as possible, and then I will get my cooking spray.

And you want to do a generous amount of this stuff, you don’t want to just spray a little bit, you want to make sure you really coat the hoof. So then I’m going to let that dry before I set her foot back down.

Okay, so what’s going to happen is the oil is going to prevent the ice and snow from building up in her foot. So that’s basically how it works, and it’s very, very helpful, especially for horses who are more tender-footed or those who are more prone to getting stone bruise, this is great. Then you’re good to go.

Alright you guys, that’s it for this one. I hope you enjoyed it and I’ll see you in the next video. Stay warm, y’all.