Hey y’all, it’s Krista with SaddleBox and for today’s episode I’m going to show you how you can have your horse in a tail bag but also let them effectively get flies with it as well.

When you put your horse’s tail in a tail bag, you kind of take their ability away of hitting flies and whatnot, unless you use a tail boot. But tail bags in general just kind of take away their ability to swat flies because as you can see, they’re kind of short, they shorten the tail up, and there’s nothing to really hit them with.

So what I like to do, I don’t know if anybody else does this, I just kind of thought of it one day, I will take my old hay string here and cut it up, and then I’ll use electrical tape to tape it to the end of the tail and that just gives them an extra little swatter basically, and you can still have your horse wear a tail bag, keep their tail nice and pretty, but they can also get flies really well. So I’m going to show you how to do this now.

Okay, so using my old hay string, I’m just going to kind of split it in two here. I have my scissors. That’s the horse I’m going to be doing the tail bag too. I’m going to make it about this long, maybe a foot or a little less than a foot, that way she can get flies as if her tail was out of the tail bag. So I’m just going to start cutting it probably right about there, because when I tape it, I’m going to have to use a significant amount to tape it up there. And the more hay strings you use, the better, so after this I’m going to go grab a few more.

Using a Tailbag That Allows Your Horse to Swat Flies

So we’ve got our tail bag ready, I’ve got my hay string ready, so basically all I’m going to do is grab the end here and I’ll probably tape it up this high and I’ll spread it out a little bit too so it’s not all in one area. I’m going to use electrical tape to do this and I’m going to wrap it around probably 15 times because you really don’t want these to fall out, and I’m going to show you what that looks like.

So I’m taking my electrical tape. As you can see, I kind of spread these out a bit, just like a tail would be, so they’re not all just in one place. I’m going to start up here a little bit and make my way down, just like this. So first I’ll go up, kind of like a polo wrap, and really secure all these in. And you want to go around a good few times because you don’t want these to fall out. And then, once I come to the end here, I’ll just go ahead and get my scissors and cut.

I kind of overshot a little bit, as you can see on the length, and you don’t want them to step on the strings and pull them out, so I’m going to cut where it hits the ground basically, just to make sure that she won’t step on anything and rip it out, because the whole point of the tail bag is to keep the tail nice and clean and secure. Perfect, and that’s what it looks like.

Alright you guys, that’s it for this video. I hope you enjoyed it and I will see you in the next one. Bye y’all.